- recoil = 5 -- Change to whatever usually works best for your dpi/sens (higher number = faster pull down, 0 = nothing)
- -- *FOR 1920x1080 SCREEN*
- agent={}
- agent["Breach"] = {17553, 59158}
- agent["Brimstone"] = {20115, 59158}
- agent["Cipher"] = {22983, 59461}
- agent["Jett"] = {26023, 59218}
- agent["Killjoy"] = {29062, 59461}
- agent["Omen"] = {31384, 59461}
- agent["Phoenix"] = {34219, 59522}
- agent["Raze"] = {37019, 59340}
- agent["Reyna"] = {39820, 59158}
- agent["Sage"] = {42996, 59461}
- agent["Sova"] = {45728, 59401}
- agent["Viper"] = {48186, 59158}
- agent["LOCK_IN"] = {32785, 52598}
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- menu_items={}
- menu_items["CLASSIC"] = {16390, 11540}
- menu_items["SHORTY"] = {16390, 19010}
- menu_items["FRENZY"] = {16290, 25990}
- menu_items["GHOST"] = {16420, 33280}
- menu_items["STINGER"] = {23730, 11960}
- menu_items["SPECTRE"] = {23490, 20520}
- menu_items["BUCKY"] = {23350, 32190}
- menu_items["JUDGE"] = {23490, 40450}
- menu_items["BULLDOG"] = {31410, 12200}
- menu_items["GUARDIAN"] = {31070, 21440}
- menu_items["PHANTOM"] = {31280, 30490}
- menu_items["VANDAL"] = {31170, 40020}
- menu_items["MARSHAL"] = {40740, 12690}
- menu_items["OPERATOR"] = {40800, 21250}
- menu_items["ARES"] = {40700, 32310}
- menu_items["ODIN"] = {40700, 40140}
- menu_items["LIGHT_SHIELD"] = {49340, 16210}
- menu_items["HEAVY_SHIELD"] = {49210, 34860}
- menu_items["Q_ABILITY"] = {20590, 53690}
- menu_items["E_ABILITY"] = {32750, 53810}
- menu_items["C_ABILITY"] = {45318, 54056}
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- EnablePrimaryMouseButtonEvents(true)
- log = OutputLogMessage
- recoil_bkup = recoil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- function OnEvent(event, arg)
- mkey_state = GetMKeyState()
- if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 4) then -- Mouse G4 default Recoil toggle
- toggle = not toggle
- if toggle then log("Anti-Recoil: ENABLED\n") else log("Anti-Recoil: DISABLED\n") end
- elseif(event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 1 and toggle)and recoil > 0 then Timer()
- end
- --------------------FAST PICK---------------------------------------
- if(mkey_state == 1) then
- if (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1) then
- op = {"Breach","LOCK_IN"}
- Pick_Agent(op)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 2) then
- op = {"Cipher","LOCK_IN"}
- Pick_Agent(op)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 3) then
- op = {"Killjoy","LOCK_IN"}
- Pick_Agent(op)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 4) then
- op = {"Omen","LOCK_IN"}
- Pick_Agent(op)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 5) then
- op = {"Sova","LOCK_IN"}
- Pick_Agent(op)
- end
- ---------------------QUICK BUY--------------------------------
- elseif(mkey_state == 2) then
- if (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1) then
- round1 = {"GHOST"} -- Type in ALL CAPS weapon name between quotes| Ex. { "X" }
- Buy_Stuff(round1)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 2) then
- round2 = {"SPECTRE","LIGHT_SHIELD"} -- Can use multiple if separated with a comma | Ex. {"X" , "Y" , "Z"}
- Buy_Stuff(round2)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 3) then
- round3 = {"VANDAL","HEAVY_SHIELD"}
- Buy_Stuff(round3)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 4) then
- round4 = {"PHANTOM","HEAVY_SHIELD"}
- Buy_Stuff(round4)
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 5) then
- round5 = {"Q_ABILITY","E_ABILITY","C_ABILITY"}
- Buy_Stuff(round5)
- end
- -----------------------ANTI-RECOIL----------------------------------- Prolly dont need to touch
- elseif(mkey_state == 3) then
- if (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1) then --Accelerates anti-recoil
- recoil = recoil+1
- log("Recoil: "..recoil.."\n")
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 2) and recoil>1 then --Decelerates anti-recoil
- recoil = recoil-1
- log("Recoil: "..recoil.."\n")
- elseif(event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 3) then --Resets to initial value
- recoil = recoil_bkup
- log("Recoil: "..recoil.."\n")
- end
- end
- end
- -----------------------DONT TOUCH UNLESS YOU KNOW WAT UR DOIN-----------------
- function Pick_Agent(op)
- log("Picked: "..op[1].."\n")
- for j=1,20,1 do -- loops 20x (can't stop after starting in public version)
- for i=1,2,1 do
- MoveMouseTo(agent[op[i]][1], agent[op[i]][2])
- PressMouseButton(1)
- Sleep(25)
- ReleaseMouseButton(1)
- Sleep(25)
- end
- end
- end
- -----------------------DONT TOUCH UNLESS YOU KNOW WAT UR DOIN-----------------
- function Buy_Stuff(items)
- PressAndReleaseKey('b') -- Change to YOUR buy menu key if not default
- Sleep(50)
- for i=1,#items,1 do
- MoveMouseTo(menu_items[items[i]][1], menu_items[items[i]][2])
- log("BOUGHT: "..items[i].."\n")
- PressMouseButton(1)
- Sleep(65)
- ReleaseMouseButton(1)
- Sleep(65)
- end
- PressAndReleaseKey('b') -- Change to YOUR buy menu key if not default
- Sleep(50)
- end
- -----------------------DONT TOUCH UNLESS YOU KNOW WAT UR DOIN-----------------
- function Timer()
- local time1,time2 = GetRunningTime(),0
- if (time2-time1) <= 1000 then
- repeat
- MoveMouseRelative(0,recoil)
- Sleep(5)
- time2 = GetRunningTime()
- until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1) or (time2-time1) > 1000
- end
- end