网址需要自己替换懂的人都懂512*2,主要学习简单的爬虫,别乱用,否则后果自负!- import requests,bs4,re,os,threading
- class MeiNvTu:
- def __init__(self):
- self.url_main='https://网址保密,不能乱发哈哈/pw/'
- self.url=f'{self.url_main}thread.php?fid='
- def getPageMax(self,typeID=14):
- try:
- res = requests.get(f'{self.url}{typeID}')
- res.encoding = 'utf-8'
- soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml')
- pageNum = soup.select('#main > div > span.fl > div.pages.cc > span')
- pageNum = int(re.search('/(.*?)Go', str(pageNum)).group(1))
- return pageNum
- except:
- return 0
- def getTitleList(self,typeID=14,page=1):
- '''
- 爬取栏目里某一页的列表,网络错误返回False
- :param typeID:
- :param page:
- :return:
- '''
- try:
- res=requests.get(f'{self.url}{typeID}&page={page}')
- res.encoding= 'utf-8'
- soup=bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text,'lxml')
- listTitle=soup.select('tr > td > h3')
- lists=[]
- for item in listTitle:
- if 'html_data' in item.a['href'] :
- d={}
- d['href']=self.url_main+item.a['href']
- d['title']=item.a.text
- lists.append(d)
- return lists
- except:
- return False
- def downImg(self,url,path):
- '''
- 下载一整个页面的图片
- :param url:
- :param path:
- :return:
- '''
- global pool_sema
- res = requests.get(url)
- res.encoding = 'utf-8'
- soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml')
- imgs=soup.select('#read_tpc > img')
- lists=[]
- try:
- for i,item in enumerate(imgs):
- imgUrl=re.search("window.open\('(.*?)'\);", str(item['onclick'])).group(1)
- imgData=requests.get(imgUrl).content
- typ=imgUrl.split('.')[-1]
- with open(f'{path}{i}.{typ}','wb')as f:
- f.write(imgData)
- except:
- print('\033[31m[下载失败!网络异常] ' + path)
- pool_sema.release()
- return
- #将下载好的情况记录下来,下次可以跳过
- textpath=''
- for item in path.split('\\')[0:3]:
- textpath=textpath+item+'\\'
- mutex.acquire()
- try:
- with open(textpath+'log.txt','a')as f:
- f.writelines(path.split('\\')[3]+'\n\r')
- except:
- pass
- mutex.release()
- # 完成后线程池记录-1
- print('\033[31m[完成下载] '+path)
- pool_sema.release()
- def get_typeTitle(self,id):
- '''
- 返回类型的标题
- :param id:
- :return:
- '''
- if id==14:
- return '唯美写真'
- if id==15:
- return '网友马赛克'
- if id==16:
- return '露出马赛克'
- if id==49:
- return '街拍马赛克'
- if id==21:
- return '丝袜美腿'
- if id==114:
- return '欧美马赛克'
- def downloadthe(self,title,path):
- '''
- 判断是否已经下载过,下载过返回True,没下载过返回False
- :param title:
- :param path:
- :return:
- '''
- try:
- with open(path+'log.txt', 'r')as f:
- text = f.read()
- if title in text:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- except:
- return False
- def get_Page_History(self,path):
- '''
- 读取上一次结束 的页码
- :param path:
- :return:
- '''
- try:
- with open(path+'pagelog.ini','r')as f:
- return int(f.read())
- except:
- return 0
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # 限制线程数量
- pool_sema = threading.BoundedSemaphore(70)
- # 创建互斥体
- mutex = threading.Lock()
- #创建爬取对象
- mnt=MeiNvTu()
- #栏目id
- typeID=21
- #获得最大页数
- page_max=mnt.getPageMax(typeID)
- if page_max==0:
- print('\033[31m网络错误!,总页数为0')
- else:
- path_main= f"D:\\爬取的网站图片\\{mnt.get_typeTitle(typeID)}\"
- if os.path.isdir(path_main) != True:
- os.makedirs(path_main, mode=0o777)
- #爬取某页的列表
- page_History=mnt.get_Page_History(path_main)
- for i in range(page_max):
- #跳过之前下载过的页码
- if i+1<page_History:
- print(f'\033[37m跳过页码:{i + 1}')
- continue
- #记录下来页码
- with open(path_main+'pagelog.ini','w')as f:
- f.write(str(i+1))
- print(f'\033[37m当前页码:{i+1}')
- titleList = mnt.getTitleList(typeID, i + 1)
- if titleList==False:
- print('\033[31m网络错误!,列表获取失败!')
- break
- for item in titleList:
- title=item['title'].replace(' ','').replace(':','').replace('!','').replace('?','').replace('*','').replace('"','')
- path = path_main + title + "\"
- #判断是否有这个目录,没有的话就建立
- if os.path.isdir(path) != True:
- os.makedirs(path, mode=0o777)
- if mnt.downloadthe(title,path_main)==False:
- # 线程池记录+1
- pool_sema.acquire()
- print('\033[37m[开始下载] '+path)
- # 爬取某个标题中的所有图片
- t=threading.Thread(target=mnt.downImg,args=(item['href'], path))
- t.setDaemon(True)
- t.start()
- else:
- print('\033[35m发现下载过的:',title,' 已经智能跳过!')